Tuesday 3 May 2016

How to start our day in a good mood

Not many people recognize the importance of how they start their day. All people want to be inspired at all the day. Studies have shown that how you start your day can greatly influence how your day actually goes. For many people, the cringing sound the dreaded alarm makes has them burrowing further under the duvet, not quite ready to face the world. So there you have it. You don’t think you’re ready now, and you won’t be. However if you bounce up out of your bed and are feeling a rush of energy in your mind and body, your day is going to be a breeze. Many people argue that this is not in their control, well newsflash, it is. It has been said that we oftentimes get what we expect. If we expect something good, it has a way of showing up. If we expect something bad, it too has a way of showing up. So if you wake up expecting a horrible day, chances are, it will be one. It’s not easy for everyone to wake up in the best of moods, but here are a few tips and tricks to do so for being in a good mood and to be motivated:
  1. Make sure you get enough sleep – Sleep deprivation is one of the leading causes of depression and/or anxiety. Adults are suggested a good 8 hours of sleep and it is absolutely essential for them to have it.
  2. Think positive – Be it day or night, having a positive attitude toward life is bound to make you feel happy throughout the day, every day. Instead of “Agh! Monday again! Another stressful week starts.” How about “The weather is so pleasant today-the sun is shining; I’ll have lunch outside today with a bunch of good friends.”
    If possible, take time to think of all of the good things in your life and thank God for them; family, friends, and your health. Spend a few minutes just thanking God for his blessings.
  3. Stretch/Exercise – Pilates, yoga or simple just stretching before you even get out of the best is sure to make you feel good. It is totally okay if hitting the gym first thing in the morning isn’t one of your favorite things, you can do simple exercises in your bedroom and get that boost going.
  4. Breakfast – Do not, under any circumstances, skip breakfast. Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, for obvious reasons. A healthy breakfast gives you the strength and energy to start your day and helps your body maintain a healthy metabolism. So, you ought to prepare yourself something to eat after you wake up. Even if you don’t have the time, then wake up a few minutes earlier to prepare yourself a light meal. No excuses accepted!
  5. Dress up! – Dressing well before you set out for your day has been observed to have positive effects on your attitude (self-confidence) and the way people attend to you. Consequently, this makes your day a much better one than if you were to be dressed like a slob!
Practicing these tips will make you feel much better, motivating you and happier every morning, and it will also help you be more positive and lively. When you are in a good mood, you broadcast these vibes all around you, affecting the people around you and your surroundings accordingly.
source: storypickers

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